
even more whining and frustration and such

tired and depressed, tired and depressed, tired and depressed. woo.
and i think maybe i'm an asshole. or at least some sort of idiot.
i need more sleep. i need more time.

aagh. i should go try and eke out some school work. but i just feel like slamming my head in a door a few times or cutting
myself or lighting some part of myself on fire.

i'll be fine. i'm just f*cking tired and overwhelmed.


sigh. life and shit. woo.

(some of this is actually reposted from a post at another bloggy sort of locale)

Hi. been awhile. didn't have much internet access o'er the summer. now back in school.

Mom's tumor wasn't breast cancer, what'd happened was the ovarian had metasticized and spread to her breast. They did a lumpectomy and removed it and now Mom's doing a more intense sort of chemo. She's having a ct scan this week, then we'll know how well it's been working. Meanwhile she has to move into an assisted living arrangement b/c my aunt who she was staying with(paying rent, more than her room was worth really) and was supposed to be helping her out is kind of a drunk... and it's not working out. So she has to send her beloved dog to stay with my brother and cough up $$ she can't afford to pay for the rent there...

Back in school. seventeen credits. aaagh. cool classes. Electronic Music, Advanced Time Arts: Video, Photography, Grantwriting, and a Japanese History class. Lots to do. Hard to keep up.

we'll see if i keep the blog going... i dunno.
all depressed and busy and shit... who's got time for internet?