i'm supposed to be working on poetry. i have 6-7 hours to finish a portfolio of 12-15 somewhat polished poems. and a page or so reflecting on where i feel i'm at with my poetry/writing and such. yawn. i'm sleepy. it shouldn't be too hard though, i gots stuff handwritten to work with... revise revise and type up.
tooth still hurts. dentist appt. actually this friday at 3, made mistake last week- called and found out real date and time. good for me.
should've called Mom today. dunno what my damn problem is, I had full intent to check in with her. third day of intensive chemo for her, talked to lil' bro last night and sounds like she is doing pretty damn good. hear she bowled tuesday- she is part of a league... She's damn tough, she is. :) Better call her on the morrow.
hungry. today by which i technically mean yesterday is(erm, was) a day in which i had little to eat. i sorted laundry and whilst doing that got caught up in cleaning and ended up not having time to actually go to the laundromat and wash the laundry... probably friday morning or else sunday sometime will do it. and will do more cleaning sunday. that is my intention anyhow.
so i drank lots of milk today, but ate little. my fridge is rather empty. sort of. i have mayonaise and bread, but nothing to put betwixt that bread. i have salad dressing but nothing with which to compose a salad. methinks a grocery visit is coming soon! i stopped at target. i had to buy a package of underwear b/c i have no clean ones- that is why i was intending to do my laundry this very day(by which i mean yesterday). while at the target market i purchased some very unhealthy crappy snacks, which of course are tasty. i discovered they have packages of two pieces of pie, each in their own little cardboard container, for one dollar and seventy-seven cents. got "mocha mudslide". got archer farms salt and vinegar potato chips too, and also kudos granola bars(which have chocolate and other bits of candy in them too). these have been what i have consumed over the course of this evening and tomorrow morning- which is now. by this i mean that it is two fifteen in the a.m. on thursday december tha ninth and between the time i left the target store in the early evening of wednesday tha eighth and this current moment i have eaten both pieces of pie, 2 kudos, and about half the bag of chips. i also had a yoplait nouriche strawberry banana smoothie which i considered rather mediocre- i expected better. all else has been tasty. i have also been drinking water fountain water from an old mello yello bottle and of course wishing it were whiskey.
i have swallowed a caffeine pill for energy and wakefulness. i am listening to the music of the white stripes right now.
i should go and write some poetry now. mayhaps i shall post some of this. there is a poem a few posts down if one wants to discover my illustrious nonsensical whimsical insane inane writing.
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