Hullo from the North Shore, dear and likely nonextistent readers... yeah... anyone there? Still don't seem to be any comments anywhere. Ain't had internet access thus far during my visit. Am posting from public library in "Sup-town".
Not much to report really. Hung out with my lil' brother mostly... blah. that's it gotta go... Sorry. Mayhaps I'll get to post again soon. till then, Happy Frickin' New Year's!! bub-bye.
have a safe trip, and keep your mittens on.
Hey Bridget, hope things are going well up north. When you get back will have to hit the Tower for a drink and then a show at the entry or something. Last night I went to the Box of Steaks show at the Entry with Kim and it was a really good time. I saw a certain someone I'm sure you're wondering about upon exiting but didn't stop and say hi. Bad me. Anyway hope things are going well and I'll see you later.
Hey! I've missed you. I'm moving soon! YAY FOR ME!!! See, I told you I'd look at your damn blog thing. Say hi to your bro who never is online.-Jacob
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