

I just reread the last couple of posts. How embarrassing!?! I'm, like, almost 30! Blathering on about such nonsense... oh well, this is an internet web site, whatevers...

I want a banana popsicle.

Alvin Lucier kicks ass.

I go now, to electroacoustic performances at the Southern Theatre, part of the previously mentioned Spark Festival. Awesome awesome!

Gawd, Sometimes I Write Like A Twelve Year Old.


stuff and nonsense

Hi! I'm updating my blog again. Two posts in a week! Manic, dudez.

Last night whilst drinking beerz at the Nomad I got kinda to thinking about stuff... or just realizing some stuff. Like this crush mania is stupid ridiculous. :) I have decided to let go of the whole lot of it. Crushes, meh. Well, not do away with crushes exactly, dunno if it's entirely possible to do that, but to not get all crazy when I have one or two or three. Cuz I realized it's no big deal, actually I have like 3-5 crushes of varying degrees going right now... not counting distant public figures... So why freak out? Tis silly. So, I think I feel better now. Mayhap. I still have a major thing for the guy I spake of previously, but not gonna make a big deal out of it. Just gonna be happy to be around the fellow and work on getting to be good friends. Totes Cool! Which is pretty much the course I'm going to follow with all my crushes.
So this is going to be an interesting new thing, just letting go and seeing what happens- totally not freaking out over peeps I get crushes on... Makes sense! Maybe I'm FINALLY maturing. ;) Yippee!


bloody hellish pain and shite

hi after long hiatus dear and likely nonexistent readers. I am here to put forth yet more whining about the utter despair and black hole that is my unfortunate life.


Or maybe I'm in a really good mood and insanely happy and ready to start kicking ass at everything... hardcore...

I have no idea. ;)

See, there's a new boy around, an unavailable but utterly perfect sexy/cute witty intelligent thoughtful kind generous guy. What to do? Well of course nothing. So am I happy that I know the guy at all? Or am I going batshit b/c he's unavailable and out of my league to boot? A little of a, little of b, of course. But the way to go is be chill and not spazz out w/ insane crush mania. And just be happy to have a wonderful new friend. Wisdom and maturity, I gots to get some of that. Sanity even. A level head. Chill.

In other news... while... other news is to a certain extent too unpleasant to launch into. So I'll skip that bit...

School is feeling kind of overwhelming... I keep waffling between being excited about my classes and being intimidated and freaked out.

Spark Festival of Electronic Music and Art is probably going to be rocking my sox off and stuff... click this spot for infos and schedule!
In fact I gots to go now to check out Scanner.