
no new naptime

tailspin vs. upswing.  fatigue, emptiness, loneliness, vs just doing and being and being content with the being and doing- something like that.
angry vs calm
self destructive vs self esteem
mania vs mania

 cleaning schoolwork finances breathing

 aagh. saying fuck it and sleeping instead...  *sigh*



Anonymous said...

Maybe instead of "vs.", you should put in "&".

LIfe consists of all the colors of the emotional spectrum, even the gloomy and dingy ones. (Which are sometimes, somemoods the best...)

Just try to find one point, one event in the future to look forward to and head towards that. Like wasabi chips or something. I'm not Al and I Will not ascribe motivations to your actions.

Maybe your friends have things they are dealing with too, and sometimes perceive your unspoken troubles as stand-offishness or jackassery. I'm sure if your tell them your feelings, they will do all they can to help.

-Psycho from the Warehouse

Anonymous said...

Here's some things to do to cheer up:

1) First get some live squirrel traps. Okay, now they sell these noisemakers that play sounds or music when a small ball is jostled. Find some of those that have cow, dog, horse, chicken, etc. noises. tie them to the squirrels you have caught, and release them. Imagine the mayem when folks hear squirrels making the wrong noise! Children will think those are the sounds squirrels make! Dogs will think squirrels are talking to them! Hilarity.

2) Make chocolate or vanilla pudding, but substitute Bailey's Irish Creme for half the liquid the recipe calls for.

3) Marbles under a welcome mat always equals humorous pratfalls.

4) Don't like your neighbors? Why not fill out a change of address form and send if not them, then at least their mail to Macao!

5) Canola oil is cheap and spreads easily on the floors, and fire alarms at the university are plentiful.

6) Beseiged by telemarketers? Make flyers offering free services, the same ones sold by the companies telemarketing, and put the phone number of the company owners as the reply number. Maybe they like getting calls constantly and at all hours.

7) When on the bus, sit in back and pretend to read while you ring the bell often. Oooo, creepy! Phantom rider!

8) Order a pizza with the delivery address of a competing pizza company, and vice versa. They'll all get a laugh out of it!

9) Got a mean professor? Give them a hint by submitting a letter of resignation to their department head on a Friday afternoon. Then on Tuesday morning, no doubt after they denied sending it, write another letter in their name apologizing for the letter, saying "I was drunk when I wrote the resignation letter Friday and too embarrassed to talk about it honestly yesterday. I'll stay on if you don't bring it up again." Wednesday morning, accidentally bump into them with a open cupfull of vodka, thus spilling it on them.

Hope these help.


Anonymous said...

Go to your local seven eleven on a hot summer day and tell kids you'll buy them a slurpee if they'll drink it in one draught. That oughta bring a person's spirits up!! :)

Hey wierd random girl- gotcher message and I left you a message at TCP. I committed Myspace suicide and so am totally without means to reply to you aside from leaving you messages on yours and my blog. Anyhow- so that's what I'll do! :) Truly do hope you're well. Take care- Toby