

pink pink pink. i don't know. the prior template was not working properly... thought, ooh, mayhaps this pink will be cute! or something. i have orange hair. it ws pink for a little while, but not on purpose. i intended for purple but the color turned out a little different that i had expected it to. i am quite fond of purple. orange also. pink's alright, i guess. i thinkum that wine has given me a headache. i fell asleep during part of the lecture, but i think that has more to do with being real tired then the wine.

some asshat left a spam link in the comments section of my last post. i must figure out how to delete it posthaste. it's not even for porn, just some stupid...ach i don't even recall precisely.
i need to find some interesting links to post, to test posting links...

some old twin peaks page i found on the interweb

okay, now i'll post this and see if link worked.

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